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True college gay sex stories

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My group of friends and I partied a lot during those three months (who doesn't?), but toward the end, one of my friends and I were getting tired of it, so we just decided to chill alone and have a few beers in his parents basement, one of our favorite old hang out spots. It was the summer between my senior year of high school and freshman year of college. Hazel eyes with the perfect amount of 5:00 shadow. I'd only had sexual experiences with girls, and I'd fully enjoyed them. Prior to this, I actually hadn't thought much about guys. After six years, it still sits with me, and I’ve decided I have to put it into words so others can share the experience. This is the real story of my first gay experience, which happened when I was eighteen. Sex Stories, Erotic Stories, Porn Stories, XNXX Stories, Adult Stories, XXX StoriesĪuthor: beekay24, Rating: 6, Source: LushStories My (unexpected) first gay sex - Sex Stories

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